Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Friday, May 31, 2002

China Announces Top Exporters and Importers

The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (MOFTEC) Monday released the lists of China's 2001 top 200 exporters and top 500 importers/exporters since 1990 without interruption.


The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (MOFTEC) Monday released the lists of China's 2001 top 200 exporters and top 500 importers/exporters since 1990 without interruption.

In 2001, the top 200 exporters' export value was US$80.34bn, 30.2 percent of China's total, and the top 500 importers/exporters' total import and export value was US$215.9bn, 42.4 percent of the national.

According to the ranking list, most of the new listed and upgraded enterprises are foreign-funded and high-tech enterprises.

The enterprises, which have been punished for irregularities or violations of law, were not qualified for the list, and the parent and subsidiary companies will not be repeated on the list, thus ensuring fair and objective ranking.

By PD Online Staff Huang Ying

China's Top 200 Exporters in 2001

China's Top 200 Exporters in 2001
(First 10)

Exp. Value
1 Orient International Enterprise, Ltd. 213880
2 Hongfujin Precision Industrial (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 203178
3 Shanghai General Electronics (Group) Co., Ltd. (SVA) 174797
4 China National Coal Industry I/E (Group) Corp. 168809
5 China Putian Corporation 163775
6 China National Chemicals Import & Export Corporation 163451
7 Motorola (China) Electronics Ltd. 161300
8 China Shipbuilding Trading Co., Ltd. 137633
9 Shanghai Textile (Group) Corporation 132131
10 Sinopec International Co., Ltd. 123250

Full list (Chinese Version)

China's Top 500 Importers/Exporters in 2001

China's Top 500 Importers/Exporters in 2001
(First 10)

I/E Value
Exp. Value
Imp. Value
1 Sinopec International Co., Ltd. 989419 123250 866169
2 China National Chemicals Import & Export Corporation 592029 163451 428578
3 Shanghai General Electronics (Group) Co., Ltd. (SVA) 384406 174797 209609
4 China Putian Corporation 380896 163775 217121
5 Motorola (China) Electronics Ltd. 367468 161300 206168
6 Orient International Enterprise, Ltd. 361903 213880 148022
7 Hongfujin Precision Industrial (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 325469 203178 122290
8 China National Petroleum Corporation 306004 118349 187655
9 China General Technology (Group)Holding, Ltd. 290040 52767 237273
10 China National Metals and Minerals Import & Export Corporation 277405 64077 213328

Full list (Chinese Version)

By PD Online Staff Huang Ying

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