Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, May 28, 2002

Thaksin's Party to Vote for All Targeted Ministers

The ruling Thai Rak Thai Party of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has resolved to support all 15 cabinet members targeted for the opposition's no confidence debates last week, the Thai News Agency said Tuesday.


The ruling Thai Rak Thai Party of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has resolved to support all 15 cabinet members targeted for the opposition's no confidence debates last week, the Thai News Agency said Tuesday.

Deputy leader of the TRT Party Sudarat Keyuraphan said Monday after a party meeting here that the party resolved to support all the 15 targeted ministers and would vote for them.

"We consider that information given by the opposition during the four-day no confidence debates last week does not have enough weight and is not correct, as it mostly came from incredible sources. The May 22-25 censure debates did not even touch on the government's key policies, particularly those aiming to address the country's economic woes," Sudarat noted.

"We also agreed unanimously that the ministers clarified themselves and answered the opposition's queries clearly. We will,therefore, let them carry on their work", Sudarat, who is also Public Health Minister added.

Premier Thaksin has affirmed that there will be no free vote in the government coalition for the 15 ministers.

Leader of the ruling Chat Thai Party Banharn Silpa-archa said on Monday that the government coalition would vote for all cabinetmembers targeted for the opposition's no confidence debates last week in the same direction.

House Speaker Uthai Pimchaichon announced that the House would be reconvened Tuesday morning for the vote of the no confidence motion against the 15 ministers.

The 15 ministers include Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Chavalit Yongchaiyudh, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Somkid Jatusripitak, Deputy Prime Minister Pitak Intrawitayanunt.

Seven of the targeted ministers were also included in an impeachment list the opposition earlier submitted to President of the Senate Manoonkrit Roopkachorn, including Deputy Prime Ministerand Finance Minister Somkid Jatusripitak, Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Chavalit Yongchaiyudh, Deputy Prime Minister Pitak Intrawitayanunt.

Transport and Communications Minister Wanmuhamadnoor Matha was solely lodged for impeachment with no debates.

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