Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, May 28, 2002

Chinese, Mozambican Defense Ministers Hold Talks

China is willing to promote its cooperation with Mozambique in every field, said Chinese Defense Minister Chi Haotian while holding talks Monday in Beijing with his Mozambican counterpart Tobias Joaquim Dai.


China is willing to promote its cooperation with Mozambique in every field, said Chinese Defense Minister Chi Haotian while holding talks Monday in Beijing with his Mozambican counterpart Tobias Joaquim Dai.

Chi, also vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission and a state councilor, said that China and Mozambique have cooperated well in the political, economic and cultural fields since they forged diplomatic relations in 1975, and Sino-Mozambican relations have undergone the test of the changeable international situation.

He said that China values its relations with the Mozambican armed forces, which were established during the struggle against colonialism. China is ready to push forward the military relations between the two countries, he added.

Chi voiced his belief that the visit by Tobias Joaquim Dai will further the friendly relations between the Chinese and Mozambican armed forces.

Tobias Joaquim Dai said that he has come to China to further the relations and friendship between the two countries and their armed forces.

He thanked China for its support for Mozambique in the process of the latter's national liberation struggle and in the period after Mozambique acquired independence.

He said that he hoped that the good political relations between Mozambique and China would further promote their cooperation in all fields.

He noted that the Mozambican government adheres to the One- China policy, and supports the efforts of China to achieve reunification along the guideline of "peaceful reunification, and one country, two systems."

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