Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Monday, May 27, 2002

Comprehensive Care to Curb AIDS in China

The goal of the Chinese government is to contain HIV infections to 1.5 million people by 2010. But the figure may increase to 10 million by the time if the number of cases keeps growing at the current rate.


China is preparing comprehensive care for the HIV/AIDS victims and curtailing the spread of the virus.

The goal of the Chinese government is to contain HIV infections to 1.5 million people by 2010. But the figure may increase to 10 million by the time if the number of cases keeps growing at the current rate, experts warned.

The Treatment and Care Department of the National Center for AIDS/STD Prevention and Control under the Chinese Center for Disease Prevention and Control is preparing a national comprehensive care strategy to create a better living environment for HIV/AIDS patients.

Public awareness about respecting and understanding HIV/AIDS patients will be stressed.

And the rights of HIV/AIDS patients and their widows and children will be better protected, a professor from Beijing You'an Hospital, where dozens of HIV/AIDS patients are receiving medical and psychological treatment in a special department.

Comprehensive care centers will soon be established in some provinces with comparatively more HIV/AIDS cases, such as Yunnan Province, and if the centers thrive, a national network of such sites will be set up in the future, according to the strategy.

Since most HIV/AIDS patients cannot afford the cost of drugs, ranging from 2,000 yuan (US$241) to 3,000 yuan (US$361) a month, and insurance companies in China refuse to cover HIV/AIDS, some departments under the State Council like the State Development Planning Commission, are negotiating with foreign drug companies, such as Germany's Boehringer Ingelheim, to reduce the cost of AIDS drugs.

"Comprehensive are", a phrase coined by World Health Organization (WHO) in the early 1990s, means providing HIV/AIDS patients with medical treatment and economic support in a humane way.

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