Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Wednesday, May 22, 2002

Chinese Leader Stresses Importance of Social Stability, Unity for Development

Visiting Chinese leader Li Ruihuan, at a meeting with Slovenian President Milan Kucan Tuesday in Ljubljana, said that the experience of both China and Slovenia indicate that social stability is essential for rapid economic development.


Visiting Chinese leader Li Ruihuan, at a meeting with Slovenian President Milan Kucan Tuesday in Ljubljana, said that the experience of both China and Slovenia indicate that social stability is essential for rapid economic development.

Li, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, is in Slovenia on the second leg of an official four-nation tour of Europe.

Slovenia has maintained notable growth of the national economy and has become a mid-level developed country thanks to its stable social conditions free from various disruptions, Li said, noting that China also puts social stability at top of all priorities in the past two decades of reform and opening up, which has contributed to the dramatic change of its national landscape.

Li said that China is satisfied with the smooth development of bilateral ties with Slovenia and both countries should continue their mutual beneficial cooperation and exchanges under the principles of mutual respect and coordination, instead of confrontation.

Speaking on the same occasion, Kucan spoke highly of China achievements in reform, economic construction and social development. He said he agrees with Li on many view points relating to economic development and bilateral ties.

Li also met with Borut Pahor, chairman of the Slovenia National Assembly, Tuesday.

China and Slovenia
  • Review of bilateral political relations

    On April the 27th of 1992, China officially recognized Slovenia. The two countries signed the communique for establishing diplomatic relations, and officially established diplomatic relations.

  • Bilateral economic and trade relations, and economic and technological cooperation

    From the 8th to the 13th of 1992, invited by the Ministry of Economy and Trade, the Slovenian delegation led by Vojka Lavbar, Vice-minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia, visited China. Both sides signed the Sino-Slovenian Economic and Trade Cooperation Agreement.

  • Bilateral exchange and cooperation in the fields of culture, science and technology, and education

    From November the 11th to the 14th, 1994, a government cultural delegation led by Chen Benchang, Vice-minister of Chinese culture, visited Slovenia. During the visit, both sides signed the 1995-1997 Sino-Slovenian cultural, educational and scientific cooperation program.

    Sources from: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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