Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, May 21, 2002

Taiwan's Legislator Urges 'Three Links' with Mainland

One of Taiwan's key legislators said implementing the three exchanges with China's mainland is necessary for the island's economic prosperity.


One of Taiwan's key legislators said implementing the three exchanges with China's mainland is necessary for the island's economic prosperity.

P.K. Chiang, the number two legislator of the Legislative Yuan and vice chairman of the Kuomintang, made the statement in an interview with the US-based BusinessWeek Online recently.

He said not until the three exchanges are fully implemented will Taiwanese manufacturers be able to maintain their competitiveness.

The three exchanges are generally referred to as the exchanges or direct links of mail service, trade and air and shipping services across the Taiwan Straits.

"The investment climate has worsened in Taiwan, and China's mainland has more actively improved its working climate, especially in the past two years."

He said the mainland is the production center for the whole world. Nobody can avoid that trend. Without direct links, the costs will increase, and the Taiwanese companies will be forced to move to the mainland because the downstream companies are already there.

If Taiwanese manufacturers can ship goods from Taiwan to the mainland in just one day, they can continue their main operations in Taiwan and supply materials and components to factories in the mainland, Chiang said.

He added that with direct air transport, Taiwan's business people would keep their base in Taiwan, since it would be so easy to fly to the mainland.

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