Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Monday, May 20, 2002

Taiwan Citizens Demonstrate Against 'Taiwan Independence'

Taiwan's China Reunification Association and other groups at the head of thousands of Taiwan citizens in Taipei on May 19 demonstrate against "Taiwan Independence", expressing their will to uphold the One China principle and the desire for the early reunification of China.


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Taiwan's China Reunification Association and other groups at the head of thousands of Taiwan citizens in Taipei on May 19 demonstrate against "Taiwan Independence", expressing their will to uphold the One China principle and the desire for the early reunification of China.

Chairman of the Association said in his speech that since Taiwan authorities have been in office for 2 years the "Taiwan independence" platform has added great pressure on policy development, resulting in intense cross-Strait relations and serious economic recession and social chaos in Taiwan.

The demonstration mainly called for Taiwan authorities and the Democratic Progressive Party to abandon their "Taiwan independence" platform, observe the "One China" principle, acknowledge the "1992 Consensus', resume cross-Strait talks, and open "three direct links" to speed up cross-Strait economic complementarity and mutual benefit.

Descending from different cities on the island province the demonstrators, men and women, old and young, all wear clothes or hats with "One China" or "Chinese" on, they shout slogans about "three direct links, happy flight", "Anti-Taiwan Independence".

The demonstrators stopped in front of the "Taiwanese Association of America", voicing their opposition to the US's military sale to Taiwan and its interference in China's internal affairs. The demonstration lasted 3 hours ending at 5 pm amidst slogans for grand rally of the Chinese nation.

By PD Online Staff Li Yan

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