Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Monday, May 20, 2002

Al Qaeda May Attack U.S. Apartment Building: FBI

Bin Laden's al Qaeda networks may be targeting apartment buildings in the United States, an official of the Federal Bureau of Investigation warned on Saturday.


Bin Laden's al Qaeda networks may be targeting apartment buildings in the United States, an official of the Federal Bureau of Investigation warned on Saturday.

Citing an "abundance of caution," the FBI is asking apartment managers across the country to be on alert for suspicious activity,based on indications that al Qaeda leaders discussed the possibility of renting apartments in various parts of the country and rigging them with explosives, the official told CNN.

The official, who could not say how the FBI came across this information, said it has no information the "proposed plot advanced beyond the discussion stage."

The FBI has not issued a formal alert or advisory because the information is uncorroborated and is not specific to any city or region in the United States, the official added.

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