Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Sunday, May 19, 2002

NY Times Says Intercepted Messages Hint at Another Attack

A series of messages among operatives of Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network intercepted by U.S. intelligence agencies indicate that another attack as big as orbigger than the one on September 11 might be attempted by the network, the New York Times reported on its Web site on Saturday.


A series of messages among operatives of Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network intercepted by U.S. intelligence agencies indicate that another attack as big as orbigger than the one on September 11 might be attempted by the network, the New York Times reported on its Web site on Saturday.

Unidentified intelligence and law enforcement officials described the communications as vague but disturbing, according to the Times.

The officials compared the messages with the pattern of communications picked up in the spring and early summer of 2001, when operatives of bin Laden's al Qaeda network also were detectedspeaking about a major operation.

"It is again not specific, not specific as to time, not specific as to place," the Times quoted one official as saying, "There is just a lot of chatter in the system again."

The official said that they were actively pursuing it and trying to see what was going on, according to the Times.

The newspaper quoted another official as saying that the volumeof intelligence information relating to a potential future attack -- in Europe, the Arabian Peninsula or the United States -- had increased in the past month.

Some of the information comes from interviews with fighters captured in Afghanistan, according to the Times.

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