Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, May 16, 2002

S. Korean President's Son Presents Himself to Prosecutors

The youngest son of South Korean President Kim Dae-Jung, Kim Hong-Gul, presented himself to prosecutors in Seoul on Thursday for investigation over an alleged graft scandal, local media reported.


The youngest son of South Korean President Kim Dae-Jung, Kim Hong-Gul, presented himself to prosecutors in Seoul on Thursday for investigation over an alleged graft scandal, local media reported.

Kim Hong-Gul, when walking into the Seoul district prosecutors office, apologized for the allegations that he received as much as2.9 billion won (2.29 million U.S. dollars) in bribes from businessmen last year to facilitate deals.

"I feel ashamed for my parents, and I'm sorry," the 38-year-oldKim said.

Kim Hong-Gul, who has been living in Los Angeles, returned to Seoul from the United States Tuesday after being summonsed for suspected links to the alleged graft scandal.

Early this month, President Kim apologized to his nation for the suspected involvement of two of his sons in financial scandals.

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