Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Monday, May 13, 2002

Figures: China's Trade With Major N. American Partners

China's trade with North American partners in January-March, 2002, with the value in billion U.S. dollars and the change on a year-on-year basis:


China's trade with North American partners in January-March, 2002, with the value in billion U.S. dollars and the change on a year-on-year basis:

Country Total Change Exports Change Imports Change

USA 18.843 9.5% 13.170 14.2% 5.673 -0.1%

Canada 1.697 12.5% 0.859 16.4% 0.838 8.9%

Source: General Administration of Customs

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China's Foreign Trade Expected to Grow 6 Percent in 2002

Figures: China's Top 10 Trading Provinces

Figures: China's Monthly Foreign Trade in 2002


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