Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Monday, May 13, 2002

Can Foreign Movies Draw More Cinema Goers in China?

A survey on the fact that if more foreign movies can attract a greater Chinese audience indicates around 40 percent participants hold a positive view while 43.5 think opposite. Sources reveal the US top nine film companies earned a high box-office value of US$ 6.86 billion in 1998, while China only 960 million yuan. The sharp contrast shows Chinese residents hold indifferent attitude towards movie consumption and a slump of the Chinese movie market.


A survey on the fact that if more foreign movies can attract a greater Chinese audience indicates around 40 percent participants hold a positive view while 43.5 think opposite.

Over 700 residents living in the cities of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou were chosen as random samples by some departments concerned in the survey regarding changes in the movie market after China's accession into the WTO. According to the survey, 43.5 percent participants don't think foreign movies could draw more audience, while other 40 percent don't share their view. Meanwhile as many as 81.5 percent participants note they would go to see movies more frequently as long as high-quality foreign movies are produced.

Great challenge to be brought by foreign investment
China has committed to import 20 foreign movies every year after its entry into the WTO. Restricted within 49 percent, foreign investment is allowed in rebuilding China's cinemas. Moreover, only three years are left for domestic movie industry as protection period. Some experts predict foreign investment will bring great challenge in cinema service.

The survey also shows last year 51 percent participants went to cinemas once to five times; 16.5 percent didn't go and only 9.5 percent less went to see movies over ten times.

Sources reveal the US top nine film companies earned a high box-office value of US$ 6.86 billion in 1998, while China only 960 million yuan. The sharp contrast shows Chinese residents hold indifferent attitude towards movie consumption and a slump of the Chinese movie market.

By PD Online Staff Yang Ruoqian

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