Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Friday, May 10, 2002

Putin Urged World to Stay Alert to New Threat of Terrorism

Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated World War II veterans Thursday on their victory over Nazi and urged the world to stay alert to the new threat of terrorism.


Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated World War II veterans Thursday on their victory over Nazi and urged the world to stay alert to the new threat of terrorism.

"The forces of evil and violence keep reappearing in different parts of the world," said Putin during an elaborate military parade on Red Square, a traditional celebration to mark the 57 the anniversary of the Allied victory over the Nazis.

"They have other names and ways, but they still bring death and destruction. And we have no right to forget that they could become as dangerous as Nazism at any moment," he said.

The president also called for united efforts to fight against terrorism. "The anti-Hitler coalition set a good example... The Allies defeated the enemy then. We are again standing together to face the common challenge, whose name is terrorism,"

Victory Day holiday is among the most important dates on Russia's calendar, as the nation mourns Soviet losses -- estimated at 27 million people -- that outnumbered those of any other country in World War II.

Nationwide parades and celebrations were held in Russia on Thursday to mark the Victory Day.

In Moscow, thousands of elite Russian troops, wearing crisp uniforms and carrying polished rifles, marched across Red Square past President Putin and other top officials. Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov then reviewed the parade in a silver, open-topped Zil limousine.

Interfax news agency said security was tight for the parade, as more than 2,300 soldiers and police were ordered to stand guard in and around Red Square.

Artillery salutes and fireworks were also planned in Moscow and at least 12 other cities of the former Soviet Union.

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Putin Hails World War II Victory, Urges Unity in Anti-Terrorism Fight


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