Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, May 09, 2002

Schroeder Visits Afghanistan

German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder on Wednesday evening left Berlin on a working visit to Afghanistan and Uzbekistan.


German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder on Wednesday evening left Berlin on a working visit to Afghanistan and Uzbekistan.

Schroeder will hold talks with Afghan leader Hamid Karzai on Thursday and visit German soldiers who are part of the international security force stationed in Kabul, as well as German- funded projects.

Germany has pledged 320 million Euros (291.2 million US Dollars) to the Afghan reconstruction for the next four years, including 80 million Euros (72.8 million US Dollars) this year.

Schroeder is accompanied by a delegation of 10 business managers and executives who will explore the possibilities of taking part in road construction, telecommunication and electricity projects in Afghanistan.

On Thursday evening, Schroeder will fly from Kabul to Tashkent to pay a one-day visit to Uzbekistan before returning home.

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