Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, May 09, 2002

Putin Hails World War II Victory, Urges Unity in Anti-Terrorism Fight

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday hailed the defeat of the Nazis in the World War II at the beginning Russia's Victory Day celebrations, calling for similar international unity in the combat against terrorism.


Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday hailed the defeat of the Nazis in the World War II at the beginning Russia's Victory Day celebrations, calling for similar international unity in the combat against terrorism.

After laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in honor of Soviet troops killed in the conflict, Putin received Russian and foreign veterans in the Kremlin.

In his address to veterans, Putin said vanquishing terrorism would require a united front.

"Today, as we build a new system of international security, we understand how important it is to protect ourselves from the mistakes of the past," Putin said.

"Attempts to dictate or to achieve one-sided advantages are just as destructive for world stability today as they were six decades ago," he added.

Thursday's Victory Day holiday is among the most important dates on Russia's calendar, as the nation mourns Soviet losses, estimated at 27 million people, that outnumbered those of any other country. The holiday is celebrated with an elaborate military parade on Red Square.

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