Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, May 02, 2002

US and British Warplanes Bombed Iraq

One Iraqi was killed and three others injured when US and British warplanes bombed northern Iraq on Wednesday, an Iraqi military spokesman said.


One Iraqi was killed and three others injured when U.S. and British warplanes bombed northern Iraq on Wednesday, an Iraqi military spokesman said.

The unidentified spokesman told the official Iraqi News Agency (INA) that the hostile planes bombed "civil and service installations" in the northern Iraqi province of Neineva and led to the casualties.

Iraqi air defense artillery opened fire at the US and British planes and forced them to flee away from the Iraqi airspace, the spokesman added.

It is not immediately known whether the air raids were related to Iraqis' unprecedented celebrations of President Saddam Hussein's birthday, which fell on April 28.

US President George W. Bush has branded Saddam as an "evil" person and Iraq as part of an "axis of evil" and strongly warned that Iraq may become the next target of the US-led war on terror.

Neineva Province, along with other two provinces in northern Iraq, have been located inside the northern no-fly zone, set up by the US-led Western allies after the 1991 Gulf War with the claimed aim of protecting the Kurds from the persecution of the Iraqi government.

A similar air exclusion zone was also established in southern Iraq to allegedly protect the Shiite Muslims there.

Iraq has never recognized the two no-fly zones and has regularly opened fire at the Western planes enforcing them.

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