Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, May 02, 2002

Iran Highlights Cultural Achievements with China

Iran on Wednesday highlighted achievements in the cultural exchange with China, saying that " cultural ties and issues which are of great significance to both sides will contribute to preparing the grounds for the extension of Iran-China relations in other fields as well."


Iran on Wednesday highlighted achievements in the cultural exchange with China, saying that " cultural ties and issues which are of great significance to both sides will contribute to preparing the grounds for the extension of Iran-China relations in other fields as well."

Iran's Cultural Councillor to China Ali Mohammad Sabeqi noted that Chinese President Jiang Zemin's visit last month to Iran's cultural city Shiraz and the signing of agreements on cultural exchanges and the publication of some masterpieces of Persian literature in Chinese version are some of the recent cultural achievements between the two countries.

Among other achievements in the cultural exchanges are such programs as commemoration of the cultural weeks of both countries, holding of Iran's film week in China, exchange of cultural, education and sports delegations as well as scientific cooperation, Sabeqi was quoted as saying by the official IRNA news agency.

According to the official, about 75 Chinese students are currently studying the Persian language at four Iranian universities nationwide at graduate and post-graduate levels, while a number of professors are studying in Iran at doctorate level.

Meanwhile, the publication of Iranian literary masterpieces in Chinese, including seven books in 18 volumes, are among the significant cultural achievements in China over the recent years.

Sabeqi described the translation and publication in Chinese of a book by Iranian President Mohammad Khatami as another sample of success of the Iranian-Chinese cultural exchange.

It was learnt that during the ongoing Tehran International Book Fair, May 8 has been named as the "Chinese day," when the representatives of the publishers and translators of the said books are due to arrive in Tehran to deliver speeches on their translation and publication.

Sabeqi said that that China has expressed support for the idea of dialog among civilizations initiated by President Khatami at various occasions.

Although China is known as a developing country from economic point of view, "it has not ignored its own culture, and the Chinese, similar to Iranians, have been trying to preserve their cultural traditions and values," he added.

Iran and China established diplomatic relations on August 16, 1971. Since the outbreak of Iran's Islamic Revolution in 1979, the Tehran-Beijing relations have been strengthened in various fields.

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