Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Friday, April 19, 2002

Chinese, Turkish FMs Meet in Istanbul

Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan met Thursday with his Turkish counterpart Ismail Cem and the two discussed issues of common concern.


Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan met Thursday with his Turkish counterpart Ismail Cem and the two discussed issues of common concern.

Tang, who is accompanying Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji on a five- day official visit to Turkey, noted that Premier Zhu and his Turkish counterpart Bulent Ecevit had reached broad common understanding on a series of major issues during their talks in the capital of Ankara.

Tang said that the Sino-Turkish relations of friendly cooperation and partnership would be further developed in a multi- level, multi-formula and all-dimentional way.

Cem, who has just returned home from an overseas tour, said that it is of strategic importance to develop the bilateral relations between Turkey and China.

He expressed the hope that Turko-Chinese relations would be pushed to a new high in the future, noting that the two countries have wide space and great potential in their cooperation.

The two ministers also exchanged views on the cooperation between the two foreign ministries and international and regional issues of common interest.

On the Mideast problem, Tang elaborated the Chinese government's basic stance on the issue.

Noting the failure to materialize expected objectives by U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell in his just-ended Mideast tour, Tang stressed that under such difficult circumstances, the international community should exert more efforts to seek an end to the Palestinian-Israeli conflicts, and bring back on track the Mideast peace process.

China will continue to work together with the international community, including Turkey, to make its contribution on the issue, added Tang.

On his part, Cem expressed the Turkish government's appreciation of China's stance on the issue.

Cem also expressed the hope that China would play a more active role on the Cyprus issue.

Tang said that the Chinese government was pleased to see the beginning of direct talks between the Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots, hoping that the two sides would find an early solution based on the relevant U.N. resolutions through peaceful negotiations.

China, as a permanent member of U.N. Security Council, will work together with the international community and make its own contribution to help solve the Cyprus issue, Tang added.

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