A widespread campaign to exterminate the increasing number of rats in Beijing's urban areasis being carried out.
As many as 20 tons of "rat poison" was laid throughout the fourcentral districts beginning Wednesday with most being laid in residential compounds, on grassland, riversides and in other places where rats are frequently found, sources said.
Zeng Xiaopeng, an expert with the Beijing Disease Prevention and Control Center, said there are many rats living outdoors in the city and these have become a major cause of the spread of disease.
On average, there are approximately five to eight rat holes in every 100 square meters of grassland in Beijing.
The rat poison being used looks like blue chocolates, and to warn people, especially children not to touch the poison, a yellowflag is erected beside the bait.
The Beijing Youth News says about 300 tons of rat bait will be placed around Beijing this Spring.