Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, March 28, 2002

Increasing Ties Across Taiwan Straits Bring About Mutual Benefits, Acer Chairman

Taiwanese computer giant Acer Wednesday said the increasing ties between Taiwan and the China's mainland China could bring about mutual benefits, according to reports reaching in Hong Kong from Taipei.


Taiwanese computer giant Acer Wednesday said the increasing ties between Taiwan and the China's mainland China could bring about mutual benefits, according to reports reaching in Hong Kong from Taipei.

Stan Shih, Acer's chairman and chief executive, was quoted as saying that he sees no reasons other than those of a political nature to stop such progress.

He expressed the hope that mutual benefits via economic and trade relations between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait will establish a foundation for a future mutually acceptable resolutionto the cross-strait issue.

Shih, 57, is the co-founder of Acer, now the world's third largest computer manufacturer.

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