Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Saturday, March 23, 2002

WTO Entry Influence on PLA Officers and Men: PLA Daily

A study report recently released by PLA Daily shows the great ideological influence of China's WTO entry on PLA officers and men. Ideologically speaking, new impacts will be felt and this is inevitable after China's WTO entry, said the report. The influence will be in four aspects, both positive and negative, as was told by the report when it goes into an analytic study of the problem of ideology facing Chinese PLA.


A study report recently released by PLA Daily shows the great ideological influence of China's WTO entry on PLA officers and men. Ideologically speaking, new impacts will be felt and this is inevitable after China's WTO entry, said the report. The influence will be in four aspects, both positive and negative, as was told by the report when it goes into an analytic study of the problem of ideology facing Chinese PLA.

One is PLA officers and men with their world outlook, outlook on life and concept of value will not be excluded from the influence of China's WTO entry. With the passage of time after China's WTO, PLA officers and men will gradually find themselves facing a kaleidoscopic life of changed concepts and new ideas towards life and a life of market development from the Western developed countries. Impacts are many and varied. These will inevitably give rise to various new aspirations under the circumstances of a new life of market economy. On the other hand, omnipresent is an expanded influence of Western ideology -- money worship, hedonism, ultra-individualism in a way eroding PLA rank-and-filers' thinking.

Two, WTO entry will have its influence on PLA officers and men's thinking for it concerns their future, demobilized life, their "second time employment". From a long-term point of view, said the report, WTO entry will mean greater job opportunities and broader prospects for their future development and their rights and interest as PLA servicemen will all the more be well protected. But from a short-term point of view, as servicemen with their families' livelihood relying mainly on a mastery of military skills they will be found in an unfavorable position in seeking reemployment.

WTO entry may within a certain period see widening gaps in income and consumption level between officers and men and consequently influence on their way of thinking and psychology.

Third, after WTO entry PLA rank-and-filers will find by themselves their own personal innate qualities and mettle. Further study may become the first necessity of their future life. Meanwhile, the report claims that from the positive side PLA officers and men will strive to acquire greater awareness for study to improve their mettle. As to the negative side, things will be found more complicated in the personal motive of every PLA officer and man to choose a military life when a market economy is developed.

Four is variagated social changes, new pressure and dilemmas to PLA officers and men are brought with WTO entry. The report says that PLA officers and men often seemingly find themselves a stranger amidst a surge of waves of social changes and changes of an outside life beyond the walls of their barracks. Within a comparatively short period of time, most officers and men with their kith and kin will find their life and income level as a far cry from the outside world. Some dark negative social aspects may present a situation in which they have to face a complicated relationship between men hard to merge themselves in.

By People's Daily Online

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