Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, March 19, 2002

Mexican President Elected as U.N. Summit Chairman

Mexico's President Vicente Fox was elected as chairman of the United Nations International Conference on Financing for Development (ICFD), which began on Monday morning in the northern Mexican city of Monterrey, during a plenary session.


Mexico's President Vicente Fox was elected as chairman of the United Nations International Conference on Financing for Development (ICFD), which began on Monday morning in the northern Mexican city of Monterrey, during a plenary session.

The U.N. meeting spokeswoman, Susan Marham, made the announcement during a news conference. According to her, Mexican Foreign Minister Jorge Castaneda is charge with presiding over ministerial meetings, where 30 environmental protection and finance ministers from different countries are due to attend.

Moreover, Marham said that during the plenary session opened at 10:15 a.m. local time, participants agreed on some points in relation to the organization of the five-day meeting that runs through Friday, and the Consensus of Monterrey, a base document of the event, which is expected to be signed after debates, was also presented.

During the first-ever world forum on aid financing, the topics include society in the financing process, a sustainable development and the international conference on financing for development in the future.

Over 50 heads of state and government as well as representatives from 180 countries will analyze key problems such as mobilizing national and international financial resources; international trade as an engine to development; increasing international financial and technical development cooperation; foreign debt, market access and the determination of a commercial system based on equity.

Chinese Finance Minister Xiang Huaicheng, representative of China's President Jiang Zemin, heads a Chinese delegation to attend the U.N. meeting.

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