Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Saturday, March 16, 2002

HK Marine Department Coordinates Operation to Rescue Missing Mainland Crewman

The Marine Department's Maritime Rescue Coordination Center (MRCC) swung into full action early Friday morning to coordinate a search and rescue operation in Hong Kong waters, a government release said.


The Marine Department's Maritime Rescue Coordination Center (MRCC) swung into full action early Friday morning to coordinate a search and rescue operation in Hong Kong waters, a government release said.

The operation was carried out after a collision occurred between a Singapore registered containership and a mainland fishing boat about two nautical miles from the southeast boundary of Hong Kong waters.

The fishing boat capsized with its 12 mainland crew members on board soon after the collision.

So far seven of them have been rescued, four have died while one is still missing.

At around 7 a.m., MRCC was informed of the collision after receiving a call for assistance from the containership, "Wan Hai 301", which was on its way to Osaka, Japan after departing Hong Kong.

Under the operation, a fleet of launches from the Marine Police and Fire Services Department was tasked to the scene to conduct search and rescue operation.

The Government Flying Service also deployed a fixed wing aircraft and a helicopter to join the operation.

The Guangdong Rescue Co-ordination Center also tasked three launches to conduct search and rescue operation at the scene.

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HK Government to Continue Rescue Vessel Collision Victims


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