Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Friday, March 15, 2002

Top Legislator Li Peng to Visit Japan

Li Peng, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress will visit Japan from April 2 to 9 at the invitation of Tamisuke Watanuki, speaker of House of Representatives and Yutaka Inoue, president of House of Councilors.


Li Peng, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress will visit Japan from April 2 to 9 at the invitation of Tamisuke Watanuki, speaker of House of Representatives and Yutaka Inoue, president of House of Councilors.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhang Qiyue made the announcement Thursday at a regular press conference.

During his visit, Li will meet with the Japanese Emperor, meet or hold talks with speaker of House of Representatives and president of House of Councilors, prime minister and leaders of major political parties of Japan and have extensive contact with people from various sectors, Zhang said.

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the normalization of bilateral ties between China and Japan. Li's visit is of vital importance in further promoting the healthy and steady development of China-Japan relations, Zhang said.

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