Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, February 28, 2002

Chinese Enterprises in HK Urged to Achieve New Development

Chinese enterprises in Hong Kong were urged to make the best use of the opportunities of China's WTO accession and exploration of the Western region to achieve new development, a banking official said here Wednesday.


Chinese enterprises in Hong Kong were urged to make the best use of the opportunities of China's WTO accession and exploration of the Western region to achieve new development, a banking official said here Wednesday.

As a part of the Hong Kong economy, Chinese enterprises should make the best use of the rapid and healthy economic conditions prevailing on the mainland to achieve new development, Liu Jinbao,chairman of the Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises Association, said ata reception to celebrate the Lunar New Year.

Liu said that it is obvious that growth of Chinese enterprises in Hong Kong is intrinsically bound to the Chinese mainland.

With the rapid and healthy economic conditions prevailing on the mainland, particularly exploring the West and accessing to theWTO, there exist ample opportunities for all business in Hong Kong,including the Chinese enterprises, Liu added.

Hong Kong is at the moment confronted with many difficulties, but its unique advantages still make it one of the most competitive economies in the world, Liu said when addressing the reception.

"We firmly believe that as long as we are united and determinedto make our best efforts, we will be able to clear all the obstacles lying ahead and have a better future as well as a brighter prospect for Chinese enterprises in Hong Kong," Liu said.

Over 400 local officials and business leaders attended the reception. Included were a dozen of foreign consul generals in Hong Kong.

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