Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, February 21, 2002

Bush Calls Talks With Jiang 'Candid and Positive'

Visiting U.S. President George W.Bush Thursday called his talks in Beijing with Chinese President Jiang Zemin "candid and positive."


Visiting U.S. President George W.Bush Thursday called his talks here with Chinese President Jiang Zemin "candid and positive."

Meeting the press jointly with Jiang in the Great Hall of the People, Bush said "We have just concluded very candid and positive talks."

Bush arrived here this morning for a two-day working visit to China.

Presidents' Meeting to Have Positive Impact on Sino-U.S. Relations
Chinese President Jiang Zemin said he wishes and believes that his meeting with U.S. President George W. Bush will have a positive impact on the improvement and development of Sino-U.S. relations.

Jiang made the remark when meeting the press jointly with Bush after concluding their formal talks at the Great Hall of the People Thursday.

He said that China and the United States have different conditions and that the existence of some differences is normal.

He and President Bush discussed these problems candidly.

He said that as long as both sides adhere to the spirit of mutual respect, equality, and seeking common ground while reserving differences, the two sides could continuously reduce differences, have consensus on a broader range of issues and promote cooperation between the two countries.

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