Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Sunday, February 10, 2002

Top Algerian Terrorist Killed

Antar Zouabri, head of the Armed Islamic Group (GIA), one of the two main extremist groups in Algeria, has been killed by security forces on Friday afternoon, the security services in the country announced Saturday in a statement.


Antar Zouabri, head of the Armed Islamic Group (GIA), one of the two main extremist groups in Algeria, has been killed by security forces on Friday afternoon, the security services in the country announced Saturday in a statement.

Zouabri and other two terrorists were killed in a gunfight at a house in his hometown of Boufarik, 25 kilometers south of Algeria, said the statement.

"Informed of the presence of three terrorists in a house near Boufarik's main stadium, the police were deployed in the area. A clash took place, leading to the neutralization of the three terrorists, among them Zouabri," said the statement.

Zouabri had led the GIA since 1996. He had been reportedly dead by Algerian newspapers several times in the past. This is the first time the government announced his death.

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