Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Wednesday, February 06, 2002

Powell Says US Russia Working Hard on New Arms Treaty

U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell said on Tuesday that the United States and Russia were working hard to try to reach a new strategic nuclear arms reduction treaty.


U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell said on Tuesday that the United States and Russia were working hard to try to reach a new strategic nuclear arms reduction treaty.

Noting that both U.S. President George W. Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin pledged to reduce further the number of their offensive nuclear weapons, Powell said: "We are hard at work on an agreement to record these commitments."

"We do expect that as we codify this framework, it will be something that will be legally binding, and we are examining different ways in which this can happen," Powell said at a hearing of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

"It can be an executive agreement that both houses of Congress might wish to speak on or it might be a treaty," he said. "We are exploring with Russia and we are discussing within the administration the best way to make this a legally binding codified agreement in some way."

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