Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Sunday, February 03, 2002

Arafat Orders Continue Contacts With Sharon

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat has ordered that Palestinian officials and negotiators continue contacts with the Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and other Israeli officials, official Palestinian sources said on Saturday.


Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat has ordered that Palestinian officials and negotiators continue contacts with the Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and other Israeli officials, official Palestinian sources said on Saturday.

The sources said that Arafat instructed the Palestinian officials to continue their contacts with the Israeli side on all levels.

Speaking to an Israeli delegation called "The Israeli-Arab coexistence movement" at his office in the West Bank city of Ramallah, Arafat said that he gave his orders to continue with contacts, noting that "those contacts are continued between parliament (Palestinian Legislative Council) Speaker Ahmed Qurei (Abu Ala) and Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres."

Arafat said that a high-leveled security meeting was held on Friday under the supervision of the Americans, adding that "if there are good intentions, there is a possibility to find a way to achieve peace."

Arafat told the visiting delegation, which includes Israeli, Jewish and Arab peace activists, that the Palestinian people also believe in peace with the Israeli people.

"Our people respect the peace of the braves that I signed with my partner Yitzhak Rabin despite all the difficulties that our people are facing on all levels, including military actions, economical difficulties and siege," added Arafat.

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