Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, January 31, 2002

Tung Chee Hwa Holds Consultation Sessions with Election Committee Members

Tung Chee Hwa, who has announced to run for the election of the chief executive of the HKSAR for a second term, began to hold four consultation sessions with the Election Committee members Wednesday.
Tung pledged that he would continue to implement the "one country, two systems" principle and formulate policies in better accordance with the will of the people.


Tung Chee Hwa Declares Candidacy for 2nd Term of Hong Kong Chief Executive
Tung Chee Hwa, who has announced to run for the election of the chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) for a second term, began to hold four consultation sessions with the Election Committee members Wednesday.

Consultation sessions with Election Committee members of the political sector, as well as the labor, religious and social service sectors were held Wednesday morning. Tung is expected to meet professionals sector, and industrial, commercial & financial sectors Thursday.

Stuck to "one country, two systems" in past years
Tung answered various questions raised by the Election Committee members and explicated his pledge to the people of Hong Kong.

Tung said that his administration in the past four and a half years made great efforts in implementing the "one country, two systems" principle, which was critical for Hong Kong to overcome various challenges in the economic restructuring.

It is the "one country, two systems" principle that guaranteed the restructuring of the government framework and enabled Hong Kong to go forward with the times, he stressed, adding that the principle won the extensive support from the community and ensured the unity among communities in Hong Kong.

With his experience in the first term as the chief executive of the Hong Kong SAR, Tung said, he believes that he will formulate policies in better accordance with the will of the people and continue to make his administration a success under the "one country, two systems."

Confident to resolve deficit problem
When asked on the current deficit in the financial budget, Tungsaid that he is confident that the financial deficit would be solved in the next five years if he were reelected.

The current deficit was resulted from the global economic slowdown and the decreasing external trade of Hong Kong, he said.

The government will try to resolve the deficit by reducing the expenditure and some other means and Hong Kong will not allow the financial deficit in the long term, he noted.

Higher education level and lower unemployment rate promised
Tung also pledged to make greater efforts in handling the unemployment in Hong Kong.

The government will invest more in education and improve the education level of the Hong Kong people, while the government willcreate a better business environment and draw more overseas investment to create more job opportunities for the people in HongKong, he said.

He expected that the unemployment rate will be reduced with the economic recovery later this year.

Continue to improve social services and defend rule of law
On improving social services in Hong Kong, Tung said he would seek to guarantee the high quality of social services delivered to the Hong Kong people in need.

Tung stressed that he would continue to defend the rule of law.

"Hong Kong's success depends on our ability to defend the rule of law. This is my commitment to Hong Kong. And I feel that in the past four and a half years, where this is concerned, we've done very well. In future, I will continue to do the same," he said.

Full Text of Tung Chee Hwa's Re-election Speech
Chief Executive of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Tung Chee Hwa declared his candidacy for a second term on December 13 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center. Here is the full text of Tung Chee Hwa's re-election speech. In His speech, Tung gave four priorities and promised more efforts in education and administrative cooperation. Tung sought vote of each and every elector and the full support of the community. (In Detail)

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Donations to Tung's Election Campaign Voluntary: Spokesman

Tung Chee Hwa to Meet Election Committee Members

Many HK Organizations Support Tung's Re-election


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