Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Monday, January 28, 2002

Coal Mine Explosions Kill 27

Two gas explosions in a coal mine of the Chengde County in northern China on Saturday and Sunday have claimed the lives of at least 27 people.


Two gas explosions in a coal mine of the Chengde County in northern China on Saturday and Sunday have claimed the lives of at least 27 people.

The explosions in Nuan'erhe Coal Mine also injured 12 people.

According to sources from the mine safety authorities of the Hebei province, the first explosion occurred at 9:50 on Saturday morning, killing all the 19 people in the pit.

Another explosion happened on Sunday afternoon when 25 miners went into the pit to fetch the dead bodies.

Eight miners have been confirmed dead and 12 injured in the second explosion, with one still missing at press time.

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