Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Monday, January 28, 2002

Jiang Sends Letter to Arafat Over Mideast Situation

Chinese President Jiang Zemin on Saturday showed great concern about the deteriorating situation in the Middle East and voiced support for Palestine's efforts to salvage the peace process in the region.
In a letter in reply to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, Jiang said the China supports all efforts towards seeking a peaceful solution and wishes the two sides could take effective measures to get back to the negotiation table.


Palestine's Bid to Seek Cease-fire Appreciated

In a letter in reply to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, Jiang said that Chinese government and people are sympathetic with the difficult condition the Palestinian National Authority and its people are facing.

China appreciates Palestine's bid to seek a cease-fire with Israel, Jiang said.

China Support Efforts Towards Peaceful Solution

  • Implementation of Military Strikes Opposed

  • Jiang said China opposes Israel's implementation of such measures as military strikes, economic blockade, impairing the life of Palestinian civilians and damaging their property, especially the act of confining the freedom of movement of Arafat.

  • Effective Measures for Negotiation Urged

  • China supports all efforts towards seeking a peaceful solution to the current Mideast crisis and wishes the two sides could practice restraint and take effective measures to get back to the negotiation table, Jiang stressed.

  • China to Play Due Role

  • China is willing, in cooperation with the international community, to play its due role in easing the tension in the Middle East, he added.

    Arafat Sends Letter to Chinese President Over Worsening Mideast Situation

    Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat has appealed to China to use its influence, working together with the international community, to press ahead with efforts to stop the worsening of the situation in the Middle East and salvage the region's peace process.

    In a letter to Chinese President Jiang Zemin, Arafat said China is a major power commanding great influence in international affairs and that the Palestinian side has highly appreciated China's efforts towards the cause of peace in the Middle East.

    Jiang: Peaceful Solution to Mideast Issue Best Policy

    Chinese President Jiang Zemin said Friday that China has always believed that a peaceful solution to the Mideast issue is the best policy.

    Jiang made the remark in his meeting with Yasser Arafat in August 2001, president of the State of Palestine and chairman of the Palestinian National Authority.

    Questions?Comments? Click here

    China to Continue Efforts for Mideast Peace: Vice-President Hu 

    Jiang: Peaceful Solution to Mideast Issue Best Policy  

    Arafat Sends Letter to Chinese President Over Worsening Mideast Situation

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