Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Sunday, January 27, 2002

Malaysian FM Urges U.S. to Stop Violence in Middle East

Malaysia Foreign Minister Syed Hamid Albar Saturday urged the United States to directly involve itself in ending violence in the Middle East.


Malaysia Foreign Minister Syed Hamid Albar Saturday urged the United States to directly involve itself in ending violence in the Middle East.

"I believe with full conviction that the United States would beable to stop the violence and achieve peace. It is a major world power, they have been able to bring down the Taliban and Al-Qaeda,all this could be done in two months," Syed Hamid was quoted as saying.

Speaking to the media after launching a Human Rights Forum heldin Trengganu state, Syed Hamid said the government believed the Middle East issue should be resolved via solutions to end violencein the region, Malaysia National News Agency reported.

The minister said if the United States could direct both parties to stop the violence and meet at the negotiating table, the parties involved would definitely abide by the decision.

"We are appealing to the United States to assist the Palestinians and put an end to their suffering ... we believe theycan do it," he said.

The minister also regretted the attitude of some human rights groups from developed countries who were biased in their handling of human rights issues.

The West, he added, was vocal in matters concerning human rights violation in developing countries but were silent when it happened in developed countries.

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