Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, January 24, 2002

National Disease Control Center Launched in Beijing

China's health authority launched a national center for disease control in Beijing Wednesday to form a nationwide network to respond efficiently to increasing public health problems.


China's health authority launched a national center for disease control in Beijing Wednesday to form a nationwide network to respond efficiently to increasing public health problems.

The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention will leadthe nation in disease prevention and control, the handling of public health emergencies and health promotion work, said Health Minister Zhang Wenkang.

Surveillance and response measures of the Beijing-based center will cover infectious and non-infectious, endemic and occupationaldiseases, nutrition-related illnesses, accidental injuries and poisoning.

Zhang said the above-mentioned diseases are posing serious threats to the health of Chinese people, even though the country has made many efforts to improve public health services.

Because of the lack of a well-trained and highly-experienced team specializing in disease control, the country's ability to respond remains weak, he said.

It has become increasingly necessary for China's health sector to improve its ability to respond to possible biological terroristattacks since the September 11 terrorist attacks in the United States, the minister said.

Specialists at the national disease control center will participate in and guide the work of localities in dealing with serious epidemics and accidents such as poisoning and contamination. Research and development of vaccines, and epidemiological studies of diseases will also be carried out.

According to ministry sources, officials of Chinese and U.S. disease control centers held talks in Beijing Tuesday on future cooperation in information exchanges, personnel training, disease control and prevention, and laboratory techniques.

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China to Establish National Center for Disease Control


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