Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Monday, January 21, 2002

HK to Launch Web on Chinese Mainland Legal Information

The Department of Justice of the Hong Kong SAR will launch new web pages on Monday to help promote locals' understanding of the legal system of the Chinese mainland, HK government's press release said on Sunday.


The Department of Justice of the Hong Kong SAR will launch new web pages on Monday to help promote locals' understanding of the legal system of the Chinese mainland, HK government's press release said on Sunday.

Content of the new web pages will include Chinese mainland related projects conducted by the department, legal information and news on China's accession to the World Trade Organization.

The Chinese mainland related projects will be divided into two parts. The first part will be "Symposiums on the litigation systems in the (Chinese) mainland and Hong Kong." The symposiums have been organized by the department of justice annually in the Chinese mainland since 1999.

The second part will be the outline of the program "Training Scheme in Common Law for (Chinese) Mainland Legal Officials," conducted by the department of justice, with the aim to enhance Chinese mainland officials' understanding about common law and the legal system in Hong Kong.

The web pages also include some articles on Chinese mainland's legal issues, like the marriage law, laws on entry into and exit from the Chinese mainland, as well as some documents on mutual legal assistance between the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong.

The website address of the department of justice is: http://www. info.gov.hk/justice.

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