Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Monday, January 14, 2002

China and Vietnam Join Anti-Drug Efforts

China will step up its collaboration with Vietnam in the fight against the drug trade along its southwest border.


China will step up its collaboration with Vietnam in the fight against the drug trade along its southwest border.

An agreement signed between the anti-drug administrators in theGuangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in China and Quang Ninh inVietnam has specified deployments and intelligence exchanges for the collaboration.

The agreement is a regional cooperative project under the EastAsia Border Anti-Drug Cooperation set up by the UN's International Narcotics Control Program (INCP) and the national drug controlcommittees of China and Vietnam.

The border area between Guangxi and Quang Ninh is adjacent to the infamous Golden Triangle drug-producing region of Laos, Burmaand Thailand, and is a key smuggling route.

INCP will increase anti-drug operations and investigations inthe area this year, and provide training to local anti-drug police.


China, Vietnam Sign Drug Control Agreement

China, Vietnam Move to Crack Down on Crimes


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