Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, January 10, 2002

China to Host 2004 World Advertising Congress

The International Advertising Association (IAA), the biggest international ads organization, has decided to grant the hosting right of its 2004 world congress to its China branch.


The International Advertising Association (IAA) has decided to grant the hosting right of its 2004 world congress to its China branch.

The International Advertising Association is the biggest international ads organization consisting of ads company, advertiser and ads media with its headquarter based in New York. It claims over 6000 members scattered in branches covering more than 60 countries and regions. IAA's China branch, set up in China Advertising Association, has nearly hundred members.

IAA opens its world congress every two years and by now 37 of them have been held. As influential international meetings they have played an important role in promoting development of global advertising industry.

The Chinese advertising market is the fastest growing one in the world and the biggest as well in Asia-Pacific region, witnessing a turnover of RMB 71.266 billion yuan in 2000. Besides, China would quicken its paces toward the world economy and culture, as it is now a full member of the WTO. A congress in Beijing would surely push forward China's advertising market and expand IAA's influence in Asia-Pacific region.

The theme of IAA's 39th world congress in 2004 is "Advertising - Peace and Development", and the three topics are: creation, motivation and responsibility.

International Advertising Association (IAA)
  • What is IAA
  • The International Advertising Association is a one-of-a-kind strategic partnership which champions the common interests of all the disciplines across the full spectrum of marketing communications - from advertisers to media companies to agencies to direct marketing firms - as well as individual practitioners.

  • IAA's role today
  • The IAA works for the freedom of companies to compete through responsible commercial speech, and it fights for consumer choice made possible by commercial speech which informs, inspires and empowers individuals to raise their sights and reach for the life they want.


    By PD Online Staff Li Heng

    China Regulates Advertising Market

    Annual Ad Revenue Totals 71 Billion Yuan


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