Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Sunday, December 30, 2001

Donations to Tung's Election Campaign Voluntary: Spokesman

All donations to Tung Chee Hwa's election campaign must be voluntary and unsolicited, and the election office will not rely on only a small number of major donors to meet the election expenses, said a spokesman for Tung Chee Hwa Election Office Sunday in Hong Kong.


All donations to Tung Chee Hwa's election campaign must be voluntary and unsolicited, and the election office will not rely on only a small number of major donors to meet the election expenses, said a spokesman for Tung Chee Hwa Election Office Sunday in Hong Kong.

In response to media inquires regarding donations to Tung's election campaign, a spokesman for the Tung Chee Hwa Election Office said people from various sectors of the community have been very enthusiastic in making donations to Tung's election fund, and Tung's campaign office is confident that donation target will be met.

The Election Office has received self-initiated donations from individual residents, the spokesman added.

Tung Chee Hwa, who has announced his candidacy for the chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for a second term, appreciates very much the support from individual residents, particularly those from the grassroots, the spokesman said, adding that Tung has indicated that there is no need for grassroots residents to express their support in the form of cash donations.

In accordance with guidelines issued by the Registration and Electoral Office, for all donations exceeding 1,000 HK dollars ( 128 U.S. dollars), donors will be issued with a receipt specifying the name and address of the donors as supplied by the donors. Copies of the receipts would be submitted to the Chief Electoral Officer within 30 days after gazetting the result of the election.



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