Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Wednesday, December 26, 2001

Cross-Strait Relationship Pointing to Reunification in 2001

A signed article, to be out on first issue 2002 of "Cross-Strait Relations" magazine by ARATS, tells that the Chinese mainland and Taiwan Province will be reunified by concerted national efforts being made. China reiterate that nobody could change the foregone conclusion that the "One China" principle has been widely accepted by international community.


Positive effect on cross-strait relationship

A signed article, to be out on first issue 2002 of "Cross-Strait Relations" magazine by the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS), tells that the Chinese mainland and Taiwan Province will be reunified by concerted national efforts being made.

The article reads fast economic growth on the Chinese mainland in 2001 has exerted strong impacts on the pace of cross-Straits reunification. Two outstanding features are as seen in the economic interchanges between the two sides this year. First, under the pressure of Taiwanese and Taiwan industrial and commercial circles, the Taiwan authorities has to shift from a policy of "be patient, no haste" to one of "active opening and efficient management" and direct opening of transportation and communications between the two sides. Second, the two sides' entry into the WTO has generated a positive effect on their relationship.

One China principle undoubted

The article points out that the "One China" principle as a stable pattern has been widely accepted by the whole international community. "One China, One Taiwan" plotted by the Taiwan authorities will lead nowhere though the dispute between the two sides concerning whether or not to accept the "One China" principle may remain unsolved still. The Taiwan side may hang on its separatist stand, refusing to accept the "One China" principle and denying "1992 common consensus".

The article finally emphasizes the determination as shown by the "One China" policy to defend China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. China will continue encouraging economic, cultural and talents' interchanges, but nobody could change the foregone conclusion that the "One China" principle has been widely accepted by international community. The article says that that national reunification by the two sides will be realized beyond doubt at an early date as national efforts are being made by the whole Chinese people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits.

Taiwan Issue

China's principle on Taiwan issue: namely (1) The People's Republic of China is the sole legal government of China; (2)Taiwan is an inalienable part of the territory of the People's Republic of China.

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