Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, December 25, 2001

Menem to Run for Argentine Presidency in 2003

Former Argentine president Carlos Menem said Monday he will run for his country's presidency in the 2003 elections.


Former Argentine president Carlos Menem said Monday he will run for his country's presidency in the 2003 elections.

Menem, leader of the main opposition Peronist party, said he can not compete in March 3 elections next year because Fernando Dela Rua, who resigned as president last week amid widespread social disturbance, failed to complete his tenure. The Argentine law stipulates that a former head of state may run for presidency only if a full presidential term has concluded.

Menem, who is currently visiting Chile to spend Christmas with his wife Cecilia Bolocco, a former Chilean Miss World, called on Argentines to have faith and hope.

As to interim President Adolfo Rodriguez Saa, Menem said "he is an capable and courageous man, and I believe he could take the first steps to start the recovery from this deepening and severe crisis."

Rodriguez Saa was sworn in on Sunday as interim president of the recession-stricken country till March 3, when a new leader is set to be elected to complete De la Rua's four-year term.


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