Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Monday, December 24, 2001

Afghan's New Leader Karzai Meets Chinese Representative

Chairman of the Afghan interim government Hamid Karzai Sunday met Zhang Min, chief of the working team of the Chinese Foreign Ministry in Afghanistan. Zhang congratulated Karzai on his assumption of office and said China will participate in Afghanistan's reconstruction, adding China will give Afghanistan 30 million RMB (3.6 million U.S. dollars) in emergency aid.


Karzai Meets Chinese Representative
Chairman of the Afghan interim government Hamid Karzai Sunday met Zhang Min, chief of the working team of the Chinese Foreign Ministry in Afghanistan.

During the meeting, Zhang congratulated Karzai on his assumption of office and said China will participate in Afghanistan's reconstruction, adding China will give Afghanistan 30 million RMB (3.6 million U.S. dollars) in emergency aid. (Full Story)

Karzai, who was inaugurated as the leader of Afghanistan Friday, thanked Zhang for the assistance and spoke highly of the friendship between Afghanistan and China.

"China is a great friend and neighbor of Afghanistan," said Karzai, adding his new government wants to keep the friendship with China.

The leader asked China to resume its embassy operation as soon as possible. When learning China's embassy has no supply of electricity and water, Karzai asked the corresponding ministries to give support immediately.

Zhang, who arrived in Kabul last Wednesday, attended Karzai's inauguration Friday and conveyed him a congratulatory message from Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji. (Full Story)


China to Give Afghanistan $3.6 Million of Aid, Multinational Force Supported 

Chinese Gov't Greets Afghan PM Karzai


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