Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Friday, December 21, 2001

Beijing Must Make Greater Efforts for Expanding Exportation in Foreign Trade

Confronted with the new situation in which China has become an official member of the WTO Beijing must, availing of the opportunity of successful bidding in 2008 Olympic Games, make greater efforts for expanding exportation in foreign trade by working continuously and energetically in a down-to-earth way to bring the superiority of the capital city into full play.


Confronted with the new situation in which China has become an official member of the WTO Beijing must, availing of the opportunity of successful bidding in 2008 Olympic Games, make greater efforts for expanding exportation in foreign trade by working continuously and energetically in a down-to-earth way to bring the superiority of the capital city into full play, pointed out Wu Yi, alternative member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and member of the State Council when she was inspecting the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone on December 20, 2001 so as to take in more world advanced technology and experience and raise the work of foreign trade and other work to a new level.

Accompanied by Liu Qi, mayor of Beijing and Zhang Mao, the vice-mayor Wu Yi made her inspection tour to SMC (China), Nokia (China) Investment Co. Ltd and some other companies.

On learning that the SMC (China), a solely Japanese-funded company is fully managed by Chinese personnel, Wu Yi Said: since transnational corporation takes a great account of rich human resources in Beijing we have to bring the superiority to full play. In the meanwhile we must try every means possible to draw in more transnational corporations to set up research institutions in Beijing so as to set in motion the training of talents in Beijing and raise the sci-tech level to a new height.

Talking of the "Star Net" industrial park to be built by the Nokia, Wu Yi showed a great appreciation of it and said Beijing has to provide favorable conditions for its setting-up.

This is followed by hearing the reports of Beijing Municipal Government on the work of foreign trade and about the progress made by the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone. Wu Yi confirmed fully the achievements made by the Municipality of Beijing in adjusting the economic structure, utilizing foreign capital and importation and exportation in foreign trade. Facing the stern situation of global economic recession, she made a special emphasis on the point, saying that Beijing has to, leaving no stone unturned, expand its exportation in foreign trade next year. With its focuses laid on the construction of Zhongguancun Science Park, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, Beijing Commercial Business Center and Tianzhu Export Processing Zone Beijing has to enforce its tenacity in soliciting more foreign funds and developing advanced and new technology and modern businesses. At the same time great efforts must be made in implementing the opening-up strategy of "going-out", encouraging enterprises to seek for overseas development by taking part in global competition so as to add motive force to, and press ahead for more exportation in foreign trade. She wished that Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone would work harder, by bringing the exclusive superiority of human resources in Beijing into play to make the zone a pacesetter among all economic and technological development zones in the country.

Wu Yi also made an inspection visit to China International E-Business Center of the MOFTEC located in the development zone, expressed her regards to personnel there for their achievements and encouraged them to pay more attention to the application of the already developed technologies in order to speed up the construction of the work of informationization.

Those who accompanied her on the inspection tour are: Mao Xinsheng, You Quan, Qu Weizhi and Gao Hucheng, persons in charge of various departments concerned under the State Council.

By PD Online Staff Han Rongliang

Foreign Trade Index of Major Chinese Regions: Beijing


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