Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Friday, December 21, 2001

Major Points of Chinese FM Spokeswoman's Conference

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue held a regular conference Thursday in Beijing and answered questions on issues including anti-China US Defense Authorization Act, Musharraf's visit to China, India-Pak tension and multi-national forces in Afghanistan.


Arms Sales to Taiwan
China Thursday warned the United States against selling advanced weapons to Taiwan, saying such acts would not only constitute serious interference in China's internal affairs but also damage bilateral relations.

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue made the remarks in response to the US Congress' passage of a bill on national defence authorizing arms sales of warships and other armaments to Taiwan.

Calling the action a severe violation of US commitments to the one-China policy, Zhang urged the United States to correct its mistakes and stop its arms sales to Taiwan so as not to harm the development of Sino-US relations.

The US House recently approved the 2002 Defence Authorization Act, including a controversial package of arms sales to Taiwan such as four Kidd-class destroyers, 12 P-3C submarine-hunting aircraft and a commitment to help Taiwan procure eight diesel-powered submarines.

India-Pak Tension
Turning to the increased tensions on the Pakistan and India border, Zhang said China hoped both sides could exercise restraint and avoid escalation in the fighting.

India and Pakistan should "solve the problem through dialogue and consultation to preserve peace and stability in the region,'' the spokeswoman said. Full Story

Musharraf's Visit
Zhang called Musharraf's visit to China a triumphant way to celebrate 50 years of diplomatic relations between Pakistan and China.

Chinese top leaders will hold meetings with Musharraf focusing on regional and international issues.

Besides President Jiang Zemin,top legislator Li Peng, Premier Zhu Rongji and Vice-President Hu Jintao are scheduled to hold separated talks with Musharraf Friday. (Full story)

Not to Participate Multinational Forece in Afghanistan
As for Afghanistan, China is re-establishing relations with the war-torn country.

A team of Chinese diplomats have returned to Chinese Embassy in Kabul Thursday and are arranging to meet with members of Afghanistan's interim government, Zhang said.

It is the first time China has had a formal diplomatic presence in Kabul since the embassy closed in 1993. Zhang did not say when China's embassy would reopen.

In addition, Zhang expressed China's support for the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Afghanistan.

Although China has never participated in such multi-national forces for direct security function, China will "make contributions to peace in Afghanistan through our own means,'' Zhang said. "The Chinese Government will, as always, provide humanitarian assistant to Afghanistan.'' Full Story

Argentine Situation
China believes that the Argentine government and people will overcome the current difficulties, revive their economy and maintain their social stability, said Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue Thursday.

Zhang said recently some serious disturbances such as shop robberies and traffic breakdowns occurred in Argentina, and some groceries owned by overseas Chinese as well as Argentine citizens with Chinese origin were among those looted.

She added that the Argentine government has declared a 30-day emergency.

China is very concerned about this matter, and the Chinese Embassy in Argentina has asked the Argentine government to ensure the life and property safety of the overseas Chinese and Argentinecitizens with Chinese origin, Zhang said.


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