Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, December 20, 2001

Second Anniversary of Macao's Return to Motherland Marked

The following article, entitled "The Splendor of Spring Meets the Eyes with the Just Arrival of the East Wind", is written by Bai Zhijian who is from the Central People's Government to serve as director of the Liaison Office in the Macao Special Administrative Region.


December 20 this year marks the second anniversary of Macao's return to the motherland. My transfer to work in Macao in early October this year has enabled me to have a more direct recognition and understanding of the development and change of the Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR). I deeply feel that an in-depth study of Comrade Deng Xiaoping's theory on "one country, two systems" and Comrade Jiang Zemin's important expositions on the Macao issue and a summary of the practical experiences gained in the past two years since Macao's home-coming are of important significance to making a success the new practice of the "one country, two systems" in Macao in the new historical period, maintaining Macao's long-term prosperity, stability and development and giving play to Macao's role as a link between past and future in accomplishing the great cause of the reunification of the motherland.

Macao's return to the embrace of the motherland on December 20, 1999 represented another victory of the great thought as contained in the principles "peaceful reunification, one country, two systems" put forward by Comrade Deng Xiaoping. Soon after Macao's home-coming, Comrade Jiang Zemin pointed out, "After the return of Hong Kong and Macao to the motherland, both regions have entered the new period of historic development. This new period features the complete elimination of foreigners' rule. With the support of the Central Government and following the "one country, two systems" principle, the compatriots of Hong Kong and Macao have become masters of their own destiny, they themselves govern and construct Hong Kong and Macao." Comrade Jiang Zemin's speech has further charted the direction for Macao's practice of the "one country, two systems" principle in the new period

Over the past two years, the Central Government has strictly abided by the Basic Law, given all-out support to the work of the executive and the SAR government, refrained from interfering in the affairs that come within the governance of the SAR. The SAR has practiced a high degree of autonomy in accordance with the Constitution and the Basic Law, fully exercised the Basic Law-granted administrative and management power, legislative power, independent judicial power and the power of final adjudication, Macao residents fully enjoy various rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Basic Law. Adhering to the "one country, two systems" principle and persisting in governing Macao according to law have become the code of social conduct which Macao residents have been earnestly carried out and become accustomed to, and have become the guide to politics and culture.

Over the past two years, the SAR government headed by the Executive Mr. Edmund Ho Hau Wah has earnestly implemented the Basic Law, led Macao residents in getting united in their brave advance, and brought about a marked improvement in public order; last year it put an end to the situation featuring negative economic growth that had persisted for several consecutive years before Macao's return. Cooperation between post-home-coming Macao and the inland in the fields of economy, trade, tourism, science and technology, culture, education and physical culture has further strengthened. Macao has maintained extensive ties with various parts of the world, and more and more countries have granted the SAR the treatment of exemption of visas. The SAR has not only gained the affirmation from the Central Government and the support of the Macao people, but has also received extensive recognition from the international community.

"Splendor of spring meets the eyes with the just arrival of the East Wind". The good beginning made in Macao's implementation of the "one country, two systems" principle has laid a sound foundation for the development of the SAR in the new century. But it should be noted that the new practice of the "one country, two systems" has just begun. Comprehensive implementation of this principle, maintenance of Macao's long-term prosperity, stability and development, full play given to Macao's promotional role in accomplishing the great cause of the reunification of the motherland-these are the important historic missions incumbent on us in the new period in Macao.

Basing itself on the historical tasks and their characteristics in the new period, in implementing the "one country, two systems" principle, Macao must guarantee the complete implementation of the Basic Law, guarantee Macao's long-term prosperity, stability and development, and give full play to its exemplary role in accomplishing the great cause of the reunification of the motherland, and give play to Macao's role as a window and bridge in China's exchanges and ties with various countries around the world.

In order to fulfill Macao's historic tasks for the new period and realize the "two guarantees" and "two giving play to" as mentioned above, we must thoroughly study and apply Deng Xiaoping's "one country, two systems" theory and Comrade Jiang Zemin's important expositions on the Macao issue, particularly his speech given at the meeting in celebration of the first anniversary of the founding of the Macao Special Administrative Region, do solid work, engage in exploration and innovation, strive to explore the law governing the practice of the "one country, two systems" concept and the development law of the SAR, and constantly open up a new phase in the practice of the "one country, two systems" principle in Macao.

First, guided by the "one country, two systems" principle, we should correctly handle the relationship between "one country" and "two systems". The principle of "one country, two systems", as a long-term basic national policy of China, is a basic principle for handling Macao's affairs and maintaining Macao's long-term and steady development. No matter what circumstance may arise, we must unswervingly uphold the "one country, two systems" principle. Adhering to this principle requires attention to both "one country" and "two systems", we must not stress one aspect to the neglect of the other aspect.

Secondly, taking implementation of the Basic Law of Macao as the main line, Macao must be persistently governed according to law. We should resolutely safeguard the authority of the Basic Law, observe its provisions, keep the operation of the SAR firmly established on the track of the Basic Law, various sectors of the SAR, whether they are administrative, legislative or judicial organization, and all fields, be they political, economic or social realm, must act in line with the Basic Law.

Thirdly, taking "Macao people governing Macao" and exercising a high degree of autonomy as the motive force, we must give full play to the intelligence, wisdom and creative spirit of the Macao compatriots. After entry into the new period of development, Macao compatriots have become masters of their own destiny and they manage and construct Macao by themselves. This is a powerful driving force for Macao to create a better future. Macao compatriots can go all out to do things that come within the scope of high-degree autonomy of the SAR.

Fourthly, Taking promotion of social stability and economic development as the focus, we should support the SAR government in exercising administration according to law. Recently, the 2002 administrative report, with emphasis placed on "stimulating the economy, and helping people in solving difficulties" made by Mr. Edmund Ho Hau Wah, executive of the SAR, has received extensive, favorable comments from various social circles. The present important task is to vigorously support the SAR government in implementing the measures set forth in the administrative report, in constantly overcoming difficulties and striving for the comprehensive rejuvenation of Macao.

Fifthly, based on the effort to consolidate and expand the force of loving the country and Macao, we should create a good social environment conducive to the implementation of the Basic Law. The force of loving the country and Macao, which holds a dominant position, is the prominent advantage and favorable condition for successfully carrying out the "one country, two systems" principle in Macao. We should give full play to this advantage, engage in constant exploration and innovation, unite all forces that can be united with to establish an extensive patriotic united front, guarantee the advantageous position of the force of loving the motherland and Macao and consolidate the social foundation for "Macao people governing Macao" with patriots as the mainstay.

Sixthly, with the interior of the motherland as the strong backing, we should promote the long-term prosperity, stability and development of the SAR. Whether in the past, at present or in the future, Macao cannot go without the vigorous support of the hinterland of the motherland. The reform, opening up and modernization drive under way in the inland of the motherland have generated tremendous and far-reaching influence on Macao's development. China's accession to the WTO will bring new, historic opportunity for Macao.

"One begins to see the vastness of the universe only after one takes a long journey; one comes to know the expanse of the world only when one looks around". We must rally closely round the Party Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin at the core, hold high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory and, on the path of the Basic Law of Macao, constantly push forward the great cause of Macao advancing under the guidance of the "one country, two systems" principle.

By People's Daily Online

2nd Anniversary on Macao's Return to Motherland Celebrated

"One Country, Two Systems" Principle Makes Macao Prosperous: Ma Man Kei

"One Country, Two Systems" Has Great Vitality in Macao: Official


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