Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Saturday, December 15, 2001

2 Arrested in Connection with Parliament Attack

Indian Police Friday arrested two Kashmiri youth following leads from the site of Thursday's terror attack on Parliament about ownership of the car used in the strike, the press Trust of India said Saturday.


Indian Police Friday arrested two Kashmiri youth following leads from the site of Thursday's terror attack on Parliament about ownership of the car used in the strike, the press Trust of India said Saturday.

The two youths were arrested by a joint team of Delhi and Jammuand Kashmir police in Sopore in Kashmir and were being flown to Delhi for interrogation.

One of the youths is a computer engineering student in Bangalore who returned to Sopore five days back while the other isa local cable operator.

Delhi Police said the person who had bought the second-hand white ambassador car, used by the terrorists in yesterday's attack, from a dealer in Delhi only two days before the strike, had given an address in Sopore.

He had also given a photograph of his as sought by the car dealer and police now say it matched with one of the five terrorists who stormed the Parliament complex.

The Delhi Police team had gone to Sopore to ascertain the authenticity of the address and antecedents of the suspect.

Earlier Friday, Delhi police detained two persons in Delhi in connection with the Parliament attack.


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