Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Saturday, December 15, 2001

HK Communities Back Tung Chee Hwa for Second Term

Various communities in Hong Kong have voiced their support for Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Chief Executive Tung Chee Hwa to run for a second term of office.


HK Communities Back Tung Chee Hwa for Second Term
Various communities in Hong Kong have voiced their support for Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Chief Executive Tung Chee Hwa to run for a second term of office.

Cheng Yiu Tong, Hong Kong deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions said that being aware of Hong Kong laborers' need for a stable job and shelter, he expressed his support for Tung to run for a second term.

"Mr Tung has worked hard without complaint and is willing to bear the yoke and mission of implementing the 'one country, two systems' principle," said Cheng. "He has not only had to resolve a number of issues left behind by history, but also taken the challenge of the Asian financial crisis and the impact of the worldwide recession."

Henry Fok, vice-chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, called on the people of Hong Kong to cast a vote of confidence in Tung.

"The past four years have not been easy, but Mr Tung has persevered and has done very well. Today, Hong Kong's economy has been doing much better than many other cities in the world.

"Mr Tung has also won the trust of the central government and has helped increase overseas countries' understanding of the 'one country, two systems' policy. I support Mr Tung!" he said.

Bernard Chan, legislative councilor and chairman of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, said that he believed Tung is a person who will be able to lead Hong Kong to fight against challenges encountered by people in all walks of life.

The Australian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong has issued a media release, praising Tung for maintaining Hong Kong's stable political environment, which is conducive for business.

"The chief executive is committed to this concept and has the support of the central government. This provides a stable political environment which enhances Hong Kong's reputation as a regional business center encouraging international business to establish headquarters here and provide opportunities for the local community," said the media release.

Meanwhile, the Youth and Tertiary Students' Group and 16 other students' associations in Hong Kong have issued a joint announcement, voicing their support for Tung.

Chan Tak Ming, the group's chairman and deputy secretary, said, "Today, Hong Kong needs a committed, persistent and a envisioned leader to lead Hong Kong to come out of the economic doldrums and become prosperous again. Mr Tung is certainly qualified for the position and we support his staying in office to lead our young people to building a better Hong Kong."


Full Text of Tung Chee Hwa's Re-election Speech

Tung Chee Hwa Declares Candidacy for 2nd Term of HK Chief Executive 


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