Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Friday, December 14, 2001

Beijing Airport Meets WHO Standards

Beijing International Airport has been certified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as meeting WHO sanitary standards.


Beijing International Airport has been certified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as meeting WHO sanitary standards.

The "international sanitary airport" title is recognition by the WHO that the environment and the management of an airport are satisfactory. To apply for the title, the airport must meet certain criteria, which are examined by experts from both at home and abroad.

Not long ago, Chinese experts from the State Administration of Quality Supervision and Quarantine agreed that the environment of Beijing International Airport had reached the required standards, and applied to the WHO.

After a careful inspection of food and water hygiene, control of disease and public health at the airport, representatives from the WHO gave the title "international sanitary airport" to Beijing 's International Airport.

The honor indicates that Chinese companies are dedicated to meeting the international standards in service and management, said a Chinese aviation administration official.


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