Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, December 13, 2001

Key Gas Project in Western China Begins Operation

The Sebei-Xining-Lanzhou Gas Pipeline, one of ten key energy projects in western China, has been completed recently.

The 930-km pipeline starts from the Sebei Gasfield at Qaidam Basin in northwest China's Qinghai Province, runs through the provincial capital of Xining and terminates at Lanzhou, capital of neighboring Gansu Province.


Longest gas pipeline completed
The Sebei-Xining-Lanzhou Gas Pipeline, one of ten key energy projects in western China, has been completed recently.

It is not only the longest gas pipeline in China, but also runs through the highest altitude in the country.

The 930-km pipeline starts from the Sebei Gasfield at Qaidam Basin in northwest China's Qinghai Province, runs through the provincial capital of Xining and terminates at Lanzhou, capital of neighboring Gansu Province.

Construction of the gas project cost 2.25 billion yuan (272 million U.S. dollars). It is designed to transmit 2 billion cubic meters of gas annually from Sebei Gasfield to the Xining and Lanzhou areas.

PetroChina Company Ltd. has spent 100 million yuan on protecting the environment along the pipeline.

To reduce pollution
The first batch of customers included a number of industries with high pollution rates. Use of the gas will reduce the discharge of 46,000 tons of sulfur dioxide, 24,000 tons of dust and 1.23 million tons of slag and coal dust.

Sebei Natural Gasfield
The Sebei Natural Gasfield, the largest gas field in the Qaidam Basin, has verified geological reserves of more than 90 billion cubic meters and has an annual production capacity of 1 billion cubic meters. Over 100 wells have been drilled at the gasfield over the past four decades.

The Sebei-Xining-Lanzhou pipeline crosses 13 counties and county-level regions in the provinces of Qinhai and Gansu.

PetroChina said the pipeline is designed to transport 2 billion cubic metres of natural gas annually.

A series of large natural gas discoveries in Qinghai's Qaidam Basin enabled the construction of the pipeline, according to PetroChina.

Industry insiders said the pipeline will help use abundant natural gas resources in Qaidam Basin effectively, optimize fuel mix and minimize air pollution in Xining and Lanzhou.


China to Build E-pipeline for Gas Transmission Project

Large Gas Field Begins Supply to West China Cities


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