Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, December 13, 2001

China to Resume Embassy Work in Afghanistan

According to Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue, China will send diplomats to Afghanistan this week to inspect the Chinese embassy in Afghanistan and contact relevant parties. The Foreign Ministry will resume the work of the embassy in Afghanistan at an appropriate time. Peace-keeping in Afghanistan actions should be authorized by UN General Assembly with the consent of the Afghanistan people, She added.


Embassy Work to Be Resumed

China has maintained diplomatic relations with Afghanistan but in 1993, recalled its diplomats in Afghanistan for security reasons, Zhang said at Tuesday's regular press conference.

Currently, the Foreign Ministry is considering resuming the work of the embassy in Afghanistan at an appropriate time, says Zhang.

About Peace-Keeping Action

As for peace-keeping in Afghanistan, Zhang says China holds that such actions should be authorized by the General Assembly of the United Nations, with the consent of the Afghanistan people and should be helpful to the peace and stability of Afghanistan.

China has so far not sent any troops to participate in any multi-national force. China will make its contribution to peace in Afghanistan in its own way, she adds.

Five principles proposed by the Chinese government in solving the Afghan problem

  • 1, Efforts should be made to safeguard the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Afghanistan.

  • 2, The Afghan people should be able to decide on the solution to their problem independently.

  • 3, The future Afghan government should be broad-based, represent the interests of all ethnic groups in the country and develop good relations with Afghanistan's neighboring countries.

  • 4, Efforts should be made to maintain the peace and stability in the region.

  • 5, The United Nations should play a more constructive role in solving the Afghan problem.

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    China Actively Working for Political Solution to Afghanistan Issue: Spokeswoman

    FM Spokeswoman on Taiwan Issue, Middle East and Afghanistan Situations 


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