Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Wednesday, November 28, 2001
Eight Foreign Airlines Approved to Make Flights Via Xinjiang
Because of the tense situation in Afghanistan, Civil Aviation and Administration of China (CAAC) recently approved eight foreign airlines to use the air routes of the regions under the management of Urumqi Administration of CAAC. The eight airlines that have been making flights via Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region during the past two months are Thailand Airlines, Lufthansa Airlines, Malaysia Airlines, etc. The number of flights approved reaches 1,232 sorties.
Since Afghanistan declared to shut down its territorial air space on September 17, many foreign airlines that fly by the way of Afghan air space had to change their route and make flights via the air space controlled by Urumqi. In the first ten days of October alone, flights via Urumqi have reached over 400 sorties.
With the tension in Afghanistan worsened, especially after the war broke out between the United States and Afghanistan on October 7, more flights were operated via Urumqi.
For Thailand Airlines a round-trip voyage from Bangkok to Stockholm is shortened by 90 minutes after they take the air route via Urumqi, with the cost saved by scores of thousand US dollars. Meanwhile, several other airlines also found out in a short time that the quality of facilities and staff of Urumqi civil aviation administration is much better than that of Afghan administration in Kabul. Considering several aspects such as economic profits and flight security, these airlines finally turned the temporary transfer to long-term cooperation.
In order to cope with the busy flight situation, civil aviation administration of Urumqi strengthened the circular and coordination of the controlling and relief work with the entry-exit stations of Kirghizia and Pakistan.
Civil Aviation Regional Controlling Room of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region also selected elites, especially the staff that are good at foreign language, to provide concentrated information transmission service to foreign aircrew so as to guarantee the security of the flights by overseas airlines.
China's aviation industry suffered over 2 billion yuan loss from the American September 11 attacks, the 9.11 attack has brought severe and direct influence on China's aviation industry.
Air China, Southern Airliner, Eastern Airline suffered 33.4 million yuan losses due to suspension of passenger air service, while cancellation of flights from September 11 to 16 incurred cargo air service loss of over 40.08 million yuan to the three aviation companies.
Exchange rate change also caused the three airlines to suffer 220 million yuan worth of losses. The insurance cost for airplanes also increased.